
Showin the duck how 2 blab

par fanfare à 1457926599 en acNeehcY.

Two reviews for Cancun

par fanfare à 1279024825 en vvZacdlQ.

one of three video-game esque gifs i was working on the other night.. bamboo had a very nice summary:

<@bamboo> first one looks like some shit that would be in the background in a side scroller
<@bamboo> second one is like what's on the computers on the timeship
<@bamboo> third one is like boss battle

par fanfare à 319137596 en lXgzotyF.

just as Effexor 4 Dogs begins to take shape, google decides to pull the plug on HACKED SPAM BLOGS. could there be any worse timing? there's some people out there who want to enjoy the hacked blog spam. another step in the wrong direction from google.


par fanfare à 176114100 en ndvjjGpC.


par fanfare à 4465209734 en XsLuurhl.
