
the buzz du jour on dump is rhizome changing their website into a very 'stylistic' format which obfuscates all of the content on the page. tommoody writes at length on the redesign on his blog . i personally didn't care for the changes and wrote a bookmarklet that makes the site more pleasing to the eyes. stripping away all of the css was a good start, but a few additional changes were necessary.
the difference is obviously remarkable. ( strip away the css first then load up the replacement css )

par fanfare à 2650561134 en lWWEKenY.

almost finished setting up the link grabber for afxchat.. otherwise a fun night of trick or treating on #sally, where duxx posted some unreal sallies.

more on duxx's sally page

par fanfare à 2255723621 en fIGxsFwH.


a new layer is added every ten minutes, over time new parameters will emerge ..update.. have reduced the update frequency to every couple of hours or so.  ..update.. thanks to Kevin McCoy for purchasing a few of these; uploads are now halted.

par fanfare à 1879878663 en mHzGkCqv.

thinking about setting up a plinko's literati club leaderboard .. would love to have a record of how many times i have been btfo

par fanfare à 1726291219 en AXcQEaUy.

par fanfare à 1613606915 en aBxsysmY.
