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Pitahaya bookmarklet
Drag the following bookmarklet Pitahaya v0.2.4 ← to your bookmarks bar.
When you are on a page (e.g. on a YouTube video) that is playing a pitahaya-encoded video, click the bookmarklet and a little player will open in the top left corner and begin decoding the media. If the media is protected with a password, it will prompt you to enter a pass - type it in the player input field and click the logo to continue.
Important: make sure the resolution is set to 360p (not Auto 360p).
Notes: Because of some browser limitations, the bookmarklet is not 100% stable. Be sure not to tab away or minimize the browser when a video is playing -- that will cause the decoding mechanism to stop working. Resizing the window will also cause the bookmarklet to stop working. You can drag a tab playing the youtube video out to its own dedicated browser window and hide it off screen if necessary. The command line decoder does not have these limiations and is more stable.
The bookmarklet has been tested on both chrome and firefox on windows. The source is also available.