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Set in a local Target in the quaint town of Austin. MARSHA and THORNS have entered the self-checkout area where MARSHA starts the checkout process on THORNS' left as THORNS stands to the side staring blankly into space. THORNS is wearing a dark blue button down shirt with a white collar, a dark green and blue plaid skirt, and white socks

Enter YAO, a cashier, to THORNS' right

YAO: (To THORNS) Are you in school?

THORNS: (Shakes head "no")

YAO: (Nervous laugh) Oh of course not, today is Sunday. That's a.. (pauses) cute school girl outfit though.

THORNS: (Not wishing to explain that she's no longer in school) Thanks..

YAO: Hey, you wouldn't happen to need a tutor or anything, would you?

YAO smiles slyly. MARSHA turns to look at THORNS and mouths "What the fuck?" YAO's expression quickly changes

YAO: (Speaking quickly) Do you have a Target card? Do you want one?

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