i can nearly give myself gooseflesh on command just by thinking certain thoughts, what a useless talent
par thorns à 11360360949 en vMCCBIVF.
one night while he was out i decided i wanted to ‘have fun’ too but couldn’t decide if drinking alone would actually be enjoyable. after walking to the closest bar and immediately turning back around to go home i decided to sit at the bus stop for a little while. i nervously decided to strike up a conversation with the man sitting next to me, i asked him if he thought drinking alone was ‘worth it’ and i felt vaguely sad when the bus came and he left.
par thorns à 11359895253 en voVIuYqP.
it’s always fun when someone uses my shower and after they leave i go into the bathroom and notice that the towels have been sorted through in an attempt to find the least obviously blood-stained one
par thorns à 11300921522 en bmiqkrVz.
par thorns à 11291919226 en nUQrsLYr.
walking through the park one night, something faintly otherworldly in the crisp air, reaching the tennis court where what i thought was a haunted house was actually a beer sampling. ironic. an imaginary scenario where i crash a costume party and someone’s dad falls in love with me.
par thorns à 10311967751 en QbhiLVpl.
when i started cutting myself i was 12, my brother was nine and naturally couldn't understand why i was doing something like that. for a long time he would refer to it as 'slitting' -- 'why do you slit yourself?'
par thorns à 10183400214 en KHlFjQjF.
do you think the veterinarian at this clinic offers to give hugs to every client who is there to have their pet put down?
par thorns à 9289054800 en AQvBFLmc.