| Ascii Pumper is a very powerful colorcode drawing program with a ton of useful features. It is simliar to eyeRC in that you can get started making color codes right away without any know-how, but this program far more feature-rich. It is great for users with 3-button or wheel-button mice, as the middle button can be linked to an additional color, giving you three drawing colors to work with at once. Colors are seperated into 'foreground' (text) and 'background' (solid pixels) -- clicking the 'foreground' checkbox will only colorize text when you draw with it on, wheras if it is unchecked, it will draw solid 1 character 'pixels' as normal. Each mouse button can be set to either draw only the foreground color, or the background color. It can be a bit tricky at first, but you will soon get the hang of it. Canvas sizes can be extra wide, which is great for creating wide-screen colorcodes. |