
dateupdate information
2016/11/17horizontally alignable h1, h2 etc tags
2016/11/16!e and !ee bugfix
2016/11/15images inside tables bugfix
2016/06/23changed max subdir length from 5 to 6
2016/06/21depreciated freeze style.. added cloud style
2016/03/12added line splitting tool (!|)
2016/03/08snubbed blabbed pages from appearing in !mydir
2015/11/01activated blabber API
2015/10/23fixed minor permission conflict
2015/09/26added a href linkback to permalinks within blabber
2015/09/24added the blabber pagination system to jibber
2015/09/10critical security fix which disables any jibberish $eval()
2015/09/05upped timeout time from 5 minutes to 20 minutes
2015/09/01fixed paste bug which pasted documents in reverse order.. notifies you after you paste as well now
2015/08/24removed restriction on requiring links to start with http
2015/08/17fixed bug which prevented images, links etc from being jabbed into tables, rows, etc
2015/08/14 unlock document bug fixed
2015/08/14string modification commands (e.g. !x, !^) can now insert shorthand html into document
2015/08/12took steps to prevent a "line too long" error when publishing document
2015/08/11jibber module hooked up to the plinko system